Pets hold a very special place in our hearts: they love us whatever we do. When they die, it’s comforting to remember them with pet memorial plaques.
Remember your pet with custom pet memorial plaques
Pets hold a very special place in our hearts: they love us whatever we do and they don’t hold grudges, so they leave a big hole in our lives when they die. We lose a friend and companion, often one who’s shared our inmost thoughts and brightened our lives just by being there. When they’re gone it’s comforting to be able to remember them with pet memorial plaques.
The whole family can be involved in planning the memorial, deciding what it should be made from, what shape would be best, where to put it, what it should say and whether or not there should be a picture of your pet on it. A rowmark, bronze or stainless steel memorial plaque for outdoors will be a lasting celebration of the fun and companionship your pet friend gave you. Whether you have a grave to mount your pet memorial on or you fix it to a fence in a favourite place, it will remind you of your pet whenever you pass.
Remembering Norman
We lost our beloved donkey, Norman, at the grand old age of 29. He wasn’t the most handsome donkey in the world but he was certainly a great character and we loved him, so when he died we wanted a memorial we could put near the field where he’d lived. We decided on a bronze plaque and (because he really wasn’t very beautiful) we cheated a bit and downloaded a portrait of a very fine donkey, which we had etched onto a bronze plaque along with Norman’s name and the years of his birth and death.
We infilled the etching in the memorial plaque with cream, which provided a lovely contrast to the darker bronze, and mounted it on the gate of what had been Norman’s field. That was back in 1996. It still looks just as smart as it did when we erected it and every time I pass it makes me think of all the funny things Norman used to do and the terrible noise he made when he brayed.
Bespoke pet memorial plaques
Norman’s plaque is oblong, but pet memorial plaques can be any shape you like: square, round, rectangular, heart-shaped, or maybe bone-shaped for a dog. For long-lasting pet memorials for the garden I recommend bronze or stainless steel, as they both stay looking good for many years, whatever the weather throws at them. Rowmark is also practical for pet memorials for outside but it isn’t as tough as bronze or steel.
As we did with Norman’s plaque, you can have a personalised engraved pet memorial plaque, where we infill the metal with one of a wide range of colours and etch a picture of your late pet on it. Then you can easily attach it to a gate or fence, or to a grave marker or wall, with a couple of screws. If your pet had a favourite spot in the garden you could put their memorial plaque there as a permanent reminder. It’s lovely to go and visit it and be reminded of all their funny ways and habits.
A pet memorial plaque is a great way to remind yourself of the good times you had with your pet and it can be very comforting to visit when you miss them. A well-designed and properly made plaque from Sign Industries will give you pleasure for many years.